Olympic bronze-medallist Indian woman boxer MC Mary Kom has joined the nation in condemning the gang-rape of a 23-year-old paramedical student in the city, saying that the ghastly incident has left her shaken and distressed.

The 29-year-old mother is praying for the girl, who is battling for life in a city hospital after being brutalised in a moving bus by six men, all of whom have been arrested by the police.

“The sheer brutality of the incident has left me completely shaken. I hope it never happens to any girl. I am praying that the victim survives. It is deeply disturbing that an incident like this took place in a modern society. We have to reflect on where we are headed as a society,” Mary Kom told PTI.

“As a woman, I am distressed and I can understand the pain of the victim. It is shameful and needs to be condemned in strong words. Being an athlete I can’t suggest what needs to be done because this is the job of the Government.

“The Government and the police have to ensure that women feel safe in the country. They have to do what is necessary, whether it is making stricter laws or whatever but such incidents have to stop,” asserted the five-time world champion.

The plight of the victim, whose male friend was also badly beaten up by the culprits, has outraged the country with protesters taking to the streets to express their anger at the incident.

Protests have been taking place at India Gate and outside Congress President Sonia Gandhi’s 10 Janpath residence over the dastardly crime on Sunday night.

The Government has vowed that the chargesheet in the case will be filed by Delhi Police “quickly” seeking maximum punishment of life term for the accused.