A group of professionals backed by the BJP on Tuesday submitted a memorandum to Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi, demanding an investigation by a Central agency into alleged irregularities in Biswa Bangla Marketing Corporation, the flagship company of the West Bengal government.

According to Chandra Bose, a BJP leader who was part of the delegation, Biswa Bangla is a privately held brand that is being used by the State government. For an artist’s logo to be used by a State government, a deed of assignment has to be signed.

Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has claimed that she had created the ‘Biswa Bangla’ logo and given it to the State government for free. “A verbal arrangement cannot entail the government to claim the ownership of the brand,” Bose said.

Status of the company

Questions have also been raised on claims made by the State government regarding ownership of Biswa Bangla Marketing Corporation.

According to the memorandum, Biswa Bangla Marketing Corporation is not a government company in terms of the Companies Act, 2013.

The State government, through West Bengal State Export Promotion Society (WBSEPS), is said to be the owner with WBSEPS owning 99.998 per cent of shares.

According to Samik Dasgupta, a company secretary and financial analyst, who was part of the delegation, shares of a State government promoted company should be held by the Governor.

Moreover, WBSEPS is registered as a society and as per existing laws it has to be engaged in activities beneficial to the public or to a section of the public.

“Promotion of a company for commercial purpose by WBSEPS defeats the basic objective and may be termed as ultra vires to West Bengal Society Registration Act,” he pointed out.