The Justice DM Dharmadhikari Committee has resolved the post bifurcation contentious issue of allocation of power sector employees between Andhra Pradesh and Telangana utilities.

In its order it said all power sector employees, who were not included in the allocation lists after bifurcation in 2014 would be deemed to have been allocated to the company they were presently posted.

This issue, pending between the two States for the past five years and part of the State bifurcation, has finally been resolved with the Committee approving the Andhra Pradesh list of 584 employees seeking to allot them to Telangana.

The one-member committee, appointed by the Supreme Court, in its order directed the Telangana power utilities to accept 584 employees from AP power utilities. The dispute ended without any additional financial burden to any of the commercial entities of both the States. In addition, 71 employees forming part of unalllocated 655 employees of the original list, have already been absorbed by the Telangana utilities on health and other grounds.

As per the order, the employees who retire or retired in 2020 will be kept out of allocation process and remain in the current place of posting of both the States.

The Committee had passed orders on March 11, 2020 directing that 655 employees working in AP power utilities be allocated to Telangana power utilities. However, while AP Power utilities relieved 584 employees, Telangana utilities objected and did not allow them to join.

These employees were caught in the crossfire between the two States and their salaries were not paid. The Committee intervened to ensure that they get paid their salaries during the lockdown.

According to the State Energy department, the dispute ended amicably after over five years of deliberations.