French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius expressed confidence that differences on climate change between various countries, especially between developed and developing nations, can be resolved.

Addressing India’s concern on the climate negotiations later this year, Fabius said: “If we want to have success, questions of finance and technology have to be resolved.”

“We need to have transfer of technology (for developing countries). It is important for both developed and developing countries,” he said.

Some developing countries, especially the US, have not been forthcoming on the issue of green technology transfer for developing countries — a key demand by India.

Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar added that France and India have agreed to “discuss issues where there are different opinions. We should be able to iron out differences if any”.

The two leaders met on Thursday to discuss the pathway to the Paris COP 21 — the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

Earlier in the day, while addressing the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit, Fabius also asked private companies to join to help cut emissions.