Indian defence scientists have scored a twin success in demonstrating the effectiveness of the Man Portable Anti-tank Guided Missile (MPATGM).

This follows the hat trick of sharp tests carried out on the short range guided Pinaka weapon system early in the week.

Both these weapons, developed indigenously by scientists of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), were tested in the deserts of Pokhran in Rajasthan.

They enhance the hit and destruction capacity of the armed forces in short distance battle situations considerably.

Today's trial of the MPATGM followed the first one on Wednesday. The missile incorporates many advanced features, including, image infrared radar (IIR) seeker with integrated avionics.

All the mission objectives have been met. In both the missions, the missiles hit the designated targets precisely at different ranges. The Programme Director, ATGM, VSN Murthy; Project Director of MPATGM, KE Kapadia and the Director-General of Strategic Missiles, MSR Prasad managed the entire exercise over the two days.

The critical IIR seeker has been designed and developed at the Hyderabad-based Research Centre Imarat.