The surest sign of positive thinking and self-confidence is when one looks at opportunities for doing business even when others think there is no scope for doing so, said Vishal Indla, Director and Psychiatrist, VIMHANS.

Indla made the observation during the State Bank Of Hyderabad-sponsored The Hindu BL Club talk ‘Reaching greater heights in Life’ at the V.R. Siddhartha Engineering College here recently.

Indla gave the example of British athlete and Olympian Derek Redmond, who showed great courage in completing the 400-m race at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics despite a hamstring injury, which in turn led to the opening up of several new opportunities for him.

Indla explained the key concepts with examples based on situations that the students could relate to. A couple of video clippings added to their interest. He told students that they should never be diffident ; he wanted them to accept failures as much as they cherished success.

Emotional quotient determined success and not IQ as it is stabilises between the ages of 16 and 18; EQ could, however, go up even as one ages , the psychiatrist said.

College Principal K. Mohan Rao gave a special address, while State Bank of Hyderabad Deputy General Manager K.G. Venkatesh explained the essential aspects one needed to reach the top .