Avanse Education Loans (Avanse)has forayed into lending for educational institutions such as universities, colleges, schools, pre-school, coaching classes amongst others for expansion.

This is in addition to providing education loans to students.

Neeraj Saxena, CEO, Avanse Education Loans, said, “Lending under this category (institutional lending) could be for adding infrastructure such as buildings, libraries, laboratories, amongst others. The ticket size of such loans would be in the range of Rs 50 lakh to Rs 5 crore.''

Avanse, associate firm of Dewan Housing Finance, has been offering students education loans for undergraduate and advanced education programmes, of up to 100 per cent of all expenditure including living spends (especially if they are travelling for overseas studies). Further, it provides value-added services / benefits such as telecom services, travel assistance & insurance, personality and etiquette training, luggage shopper discounts, and flight/ baggage discounts.

Besides providing education loans for post graduate (both in India and overseas) and undergraduate courses, the company also funds new age courses like photography, music, image consulting etc.