Hyderabad-based Learnpedia EduTech has launched JEE Study Mate, a technology-based supplement for JEE aspirants here on Friday.

It is available in three variants, DVD (Rs 6,900); micro SD for any Android-based tablet (Rs 8,900); and 10-inch tablet costing Rs 18,900.

“Students preparing for engineering entrance exams encounter numerous gaps in their learning,” said Biswaroop Padhi, vice-president, Learnpedia.

Missed lectures, incomplete conceptual clarity, untimely doubts and uneven pace of learning are a recurrent bother for lakhs of students.

JEE Study Mate covers all JEE syllabus with videos, animations and relevant text preloaded module-wise onto Learnpedia’s proprietary learning software.

“We want to enable each and every student to plug these learning gaps at their own pace and convenience,” Padhi said.

The digital content has been developed by leading faculty, including IITians and Ph. Ds with decades of experience in IIT-JEE coaching.

Learnpedia will introduce JEE Study Mate to students at a launch talk Titled ‘Five secrets of new JEE’ by educationalist Anil Nair.

The talk will be held on Sunday at Panakkad Hall, near Bishop Pereira Hall at Palayam here. Registrations can be done on phone 8129785560.