The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) released the International Integrated Reporting (IR) Framework in December 2013. The framework marks an important milestone in creating a platform for companies to adopt “integrated thinking” to better articulate their strategy, and to engage investors on a more long-term journey to attract investments. The concept of IR improves the quality of information available to providers of capital to enable a more efficient and productive allocation of capital. integrated reporting encourages companies to measure and report on value creation and the ‘capitals — economic, environmental and social’ used by companies to create such value on a long term and contribute to a stable global economy. The IIRC pilot programme is supported by more than 100 businesses and more than 35 investors across the globe to develop, apply and test the framework. Two Indian companies are part of the IIRC pilot programme business network.

Protecting digital data

In the digital age, protecting information has become a major priority for almost all organisations. If it gets into the wrong hands, your business could suffer. At the same time, holding on to data is becoming much harder, because information can now be stored and accessed in a greater variety of ways and in ever larger quantities.

Storage devices today are smaller and can hold more data than a typical laptop or desktop computer. Data theft is one of the most common examples of cyber crime in today’s business environment. It is no longer just intangible knowledge that is lost when employees leave organisations. Increasingly, a large amount of sensitive data also leaves with them. Such data include contact lists, emails, business plans, marketing collateral, financial information and client proposals, among others. Needless to say, there would be significant impact of such a theft on organisations.