Most of the students who entered the contest could identify and address the key issues in the case. Selecting a winner wasn’t an easy task; it is after careful review that we have chosen the entry from Mahesh Kumar and Gangotri V. Naik as the winner.

Their submission accurately captures the issues in the case from the perspective of the management and the management trainees. The analysis addresses most of the key issues that revolve around the implementation of the MT programme

The managers’ insecurities are addressed through the suggestion that the performance evaluation criteria be laid down and communicated, and in making the compensation basis objective and the career progression transparent.

The suggestions address the ambiguities with respect to the objectives of the MT programme, expectations from the MTs and the role of the managers in the implementation of the programme. The ‘Two-in-a-Box’ model creates mutual dependency and synergises their efforts for the realisation of the organisational goals. This would result in a culture of mutual respect and appreciation among the MTs and the existing employees.


The "Two-in-a-Box" model creates mutual dependence and synergises the efforts towards organisational goals. This would result in a culture of mutual respect and appreciation among the trainees and senior employees.

The analysis recognises both short and long-term fixes for the infrastructural issues faced by the company. Issues due to the seemingly bureaucratic culture have been identified and a plan to overcome those is proposed. The analysis suggests a robust communication framework for the MT programme, the role that each – MT, managers and existing employees — plays in the successful implementation of the MT programme and addressing the gaps in communication at various levels. The suggested framework includes feedback – from the managers, employees and MTs – systems, informal set-up for communication, faster decision making processes and inclusion of managers and the MTs in the decision-making system.

Overall, the analysis suggests short-term, immediate fixes and a long-term feasible solutions to ensure a successful implementation of the MT programme.