FICCI FLO, the women’s wing of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry has signed an agreement with Anna University to help with the upskilling of 1,500 women students from 19 engineering colleges across Tamil Nadu under an initiative ‘Campus to Corporate Skilling Programme.”

The Campus to Corporate programme will consist of 10 sessions spread over five weeks which will culminate with a graduation ceremony, along with a certificate of completion that will be worth two credits from their university, according to a statement. 

“FLO Chennai is attempting to provide value-added skills and making our women students corporate ready. Industry leaders today want industry-ready engineers and, as a responsible business body, we felt the need to take the lead, along with Anna University, to help the industry by upskilling its potential workforce,” Prasanna Vasanadu, Chairperson, FICCI FLO Chennai.

Statistics show that barely 7 per cent of engineering graduates are suitable for industry. Also, candidates from lower-tier cities are not getting the same opportunities as those hailing from Tier-1 cities, even if they are equally qualified and skilled.

The upskilling programme aims to facilitate a smooth transition for students from their campus environment to that of corporate and increase the chances of their success. The initiative involves teaching them to create effective resumes, improve their interview skills and help them to manage stress in the workplace.

The plan is to start with 1,500 women students from colleges from Tier 2 & 3 cities. The programme will be carried in 16 of the 19 engineering colleges from Tier 2 & 3 cities. 

“FICCI FLO’s dedication to upskill the women of the engineering colleges to get them corporate ready is commendable, and we look forward to our students benefiting from the programme,” said Prof R Velraj, Vice-Chancellor, Anna University.