An anti-plagiarism check using a US-based popular software will be a salient feature of the assessment of thesis and dissertations submitted by doctoral research students of the University of Pune for their PhDs in the new academic year.

A decision to this effect was recently taken by the university’s management council outlining stringent measures to promote independent research and curb plagiarism which represents passing off work done by another person as one’s own contribution.

The UOP, considered one of the most prestigious universities in the country, will be acquiring the anti-plagiarism software which will be kept with its various post-graduate departments and affiliated colleges that conduct and assess doctoral research in various branches, according to UOP Vice-Chancellor Wasudev Gade.

The measure, seen as a first of sorts, is in keeping with the University Grants Commission’s (UGC) recommendations to check and detect “intentional and non-intentional” acts of plagiarism in submission of theses and dissertations for doctoral research, he added.

The software which is used internationally can go through huge databases to identify plagiarised portions of a work.

In order to boost independent research, UOP will set up Research Advisory Councils manned by experts to cover presentations in science and non-science areas, Vice-Chancellor Gade noted.

Gade said starting academic year 2012-13, the authorities will ensure that all thesis and dissertations submitted for assessment are also made available by the research students in the form of a soft copy to facilitate an anti-plagiarism check using the software.