Debashis Chatterjee has resumed charge as Director of the Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode. This is his second term at IIMK.

The institute did not have a full-time director for nearly four years after Chatterjee completed his term from 2009 to 2014. IIMK is the first institute to appoint its own director autonomously after the President gave his concurrence to the Indian Institute of Management Bill, 2017 on December 31.

During his last tenure, he transformed the face of IIMK to an institution of national impact and global reckoning. Chatterjee created history by increasing the enrolment of women up to 54 per cent in the flagship post-graduate programme. This was a game-changing policy of enhancing the gender diversity of the IIM classroom.

Commenting on the institute’s future expansion and innovation plans for management education, he said it plans to launch new programmes in unexplored areas such as maritime management, as Kozhikode has been historically a seafaring and a coastal city. The institute will work closely with small and medium enterprises in Kerala, towards turning them around and their re-engineering.

There are also plans to work closely with the Kerala government towards strengthening its governance efficiency as well as effectiveness and also its various development and welfare programmes.