The Delhi High Court has restrained the Institute of Cost Accountants of India  from using ‘ICAI’ as an acronym for its institution or for the services provided by it. 

This direction comes in the wake of a civil suit filed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) for the infringement of its trademark ‘ICAI’.

The Delhi High Court has also in its 41-page order, directed that the Institute of Cost Accountants of India should take steps to ensure that the acronym ‘ICAI’ is removed from all physical and virtual media/websites where the Institute of Cost Accountants of India has its presence, including all websites on the internet, as well as its social media platforms within three months. 

Infringement of trademark

The Delhi High Court has observed that there is a clear prima facie case of infringement of the usage of ‘ICAI’ acronym by the Institute of Cost Accountants of India and the facts of the case clearly fall under Section 29(2)(C) read with Section 29(3) of the Trademarks Act 1999, involving the infringement of registered trademark. Accordingly, the prayer of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India for interlocutory injunction was granted by the Delhi High Court.