Giving her advice to the IIM-Calcutta grads, Pepsico Chairman and CEO, Indra Nooyi on Saturday said that a “successful career was not enough” and students need to “learn, earn and return simultaneously.”

“Today, that model is outdated. To make an impact in a complex and fast-changing world, you must learn, earn, and return –– simultaneously –– at every stage of your career,” Nooyi said.

“I got to be a CEO, and more importantly, I’ve stayed a CEO, because I am a lifelong student,” she added.

Aim Long Term With a speech filled with stories about her days as an IIM-Calcutta alumni, Nooyi did point out that while aiming for long-term goals was more important; short-term performances cannot be overlooked.

Referring to the corporate world, Nooyi said businesses today are largely evaluated on their short-term performance – be it quarter-to-quarter or year-over-year. But, the most successful companies aren’t those that shine brightly for a few quarters and then quickly burn out.

“The most successful companies are the ones that create value over the long term — for employees, shareholders, and greater community. Performing in the short term is important –– you won’t make it to your long-term goals if you don’t deliver results day-to-day,” the PepsiCo CEO said.

Community Development The other part of Nooyi’s speech focussed on community development; including contributing towards the nation’s development. “To make a lasting impact, you must give as much as you have received,” she said adding that the batch was graduating with the skills and insights that was required for India to “unleash its massive economic potential”.

“You have the knowledge and vision to identify new and unconventional solutions to old policy problems that stifle development. You can be the force that moves India to capitalise on centuries of potential and take its rightful place as a leader among nations,” she said.

Respect your parents Her final advice to the outgoing batch, however, was to express gratitude to their parents.

“This is not your accomplishment alone…. So express your gratitude to them, and do it often. Call and visit them regularly… Don’t ever take them for granted,” she emphasised.

An emotionally charged Nooyi informed the already rapt audience: “I run a Fortune 50 company and I still call my mother 2 or 3 times every day. So, all of you can make the time”; even as she exhorted the grads to stand up and give their parents a round of applause.

“The most important lessons in life come not (just) from the people in front of you; but from those sitting behind you,” she said.