The deadline for giving feedback on the draft National Education Policy (NEP) 2019 has been extended by a month to July 31, 2019.

The draft NEP 2019 has already been revised once.

The first draft had made teaching of Hindi mandatory in the non-Hindi speaking States under a three-language formula. However, the draft was later revised as the plan, seen as imposition of Hindi, led to protests in the south, particularly Tamil Nadu.

“The study of three languages by students in Hindi-speaking States would continue to include Hindi and English and one of the modern languages from other parts of India, while the study of languages by students in non-Hindi speaking States would include the regional language, Hindi and English,” it had read.

Revised draft

The revised draft reads: “Since the modular board examinations for language proficiency will indeed test only for basic proficiency in each language, such a change in choice in Grade 6 would certainly be feasible if the student so desires and would in such cases be supported by teachers and the schooling system.”

It further said additional choices of languages will be offered in middle school to offer greater flexibility.