Educomp Solutions is looking to add 21,000 new classrooms under its Smartclass program this fiscal.

The company is in the process of signing up more than 11,000 classrooms during the second half of the current fiscal, in addition to the 10,000 already added in the first half of FY15, said the company in a release.

The company has also changed its business model from hardware, content and after-sales-maintenance to that of a services provider. This will free up company’s resources and funds and help Educomp concentrate on introducing more products into the market.

Over the last one year, Educomp has changed its financial model as well. The company is now selling the Smartclass product upfront as opposed to its earlier practice of subscription based EMI model.

Shantanu Prakash, Chairman and Managing Director, Educomp Solutions Ltd, said, “The addressable market for Smartclass is 2 lakh private schools in India, of which under 10 per cent are currently digitized. Besides this, 14 crore children do not attend school. The need for Smartclass kind of infrastructure in schools is very high in India because of our increasing young population that needs access to quality education."

"We are confident that coming years will see an increased demand for digital learning innovations like Smartclass and our other new products in the country.”