Hindi surpassed Portuguese in the global top 10 list of most studied languageson edtech platfrom, Duolingo. Hindi now ranks number 10 with 8.4 million learners worldwide.

Korean and Irish are the fastest-growing languages in India (as they were in 2021 as well). However, this year, Hindi surged up the ranking to become the third fastest-growing language in India. Its incredible growth in India contributed to Hindi surpassing Portuguese in the global top 10 list of the most studied languages on Duolingo.

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Across India, English is the number 1 language and Hindi is number 2, but then, there is a split: States either choose to study Korean or French. Among those States where Korean ranks third are Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and West Bengal. Some States where French is third are Delhi, Gujarat, Karnataka, Punjab, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. The popularity of K-culture with younger audiences in India is one of the key drivers for the rapid growth of learners on Duolingo choosing Korean as their language of choice.

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There are also differences across States in how serious they are about studying languages—that is, the average time spent learning. Overall, Duolingo users in India spend ~13 minutes each day on the app. When it comes to learning languages, the most serious State is Madhya Pradesh (where Korean is #3), followed by Tamil Nadu (where French is #3).