The Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) will host its ‘First Digital Summit’ on September 19.

The summit is expected to bring key policy makers and practitioners from across the digital world domains to share their insights on emerging digital trends that are instrumental in changing the future of digital India.

Professor Dinesh Kumar, Chairperson, Executive Post Graduate Programme, IIMB, recognised as one among the top 10 most prominent analytics academicians in India, will inaugurate the summit and will speak on ‘Demystifying Big Data and Analytics’.

Nitin Bawankule, Director, E-commerce, Google, will deliver the keynote address. This will be followed by a talk by Srivatsa Krishna, Secretary, E-Governance, Government of Karnataka, on ‘E-Governance and Vision of Digital India’.

“For a management school, it is vital to expose its students to this changing paradigm as these students go on to become the future business leaders of our country. It would help them decipher future technological trends, identify opportunities, understand the challenges and come up with strategies to ride this wave. This would be a key event for anyone who wants to gain strategic insights into how digital technologies are shaping the dynamic business landscape,” Professor Dinesh Kumar said.