Students at a humble school situated at the Southern tip of India have finally managed to shed that load of heavy books. The Pattambi based Muslim Education Society School in a small district called Palakkad in Kerala has gone 'bagless' - thanks to Intel Education and Extramarks who are piloting their 'bagless schools' concept at the school.

The Education technology solutions provider Intel Education has joined hands with education services provider, Extramarks Education to provide learning solutions in order to enhance teaching and learning experience.

Under the strategic tie-up, Extramarks will offer educational solutions to schools and individuals that are optimised for Intel Architecture.

"The students carry only a tablet and notebooks to school now and whatever is taught on the classroom's digital board gets automatically transferred to the tablet," informed Atul Kulshrestha, Founder, Chairman and Managing Director, Extramarks Education India.

The company is extending the concept to 10 more schools and is looking at scaling it further quickly.

"When you talk about student engagement in a didital world the overall experience needs to be very good, which can be achieved by partners like Intel," said Atul Kulshrestha, Founder, Chairman and Managing Director, Extramarks Education India. "These devices are extremely user friendly so the students can make the most out of it."

Apart from helping Extramarks in engineering the platform, Intel Education is helping the company with hardward selection as well. "We believe in creating technology that is relevant to the learning needs of students to complement their growth and development," said Sam Al Schamma, Director-Education Sales, Intel Asia Pacific and Japan. "Our engineers at Intel Education have been working closely with their counterparts at Extramarks, sharing know-how and helping optimize Extramarks' solutions for Intel Architecture."