The US-based angel investor network Keiretsu Forum, that has 39 chapters around the world and more than 1,500 investors and members, has signed an exclusive partnership with the NS Raghavan Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (NSRCEL) at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB).

The association will help facilitate innovation and entrepreneurship with an emphasis on educating entrepreneurs, investors and venture funding ecosystem participants on business formation, new technology platforms and global best practices.

“NSRCEL at IIMB has been constantly striving to create a network that its mentees and incubatees can benefit from. Angel investors have an important part to play in facilitating the growth of entrepreneurship. A global forum like Keiretsu can make a huge positive difference to the funding phenomenon,” said Dr G Sabarinathan, Chairperson, NSRCEL.

“IIMB and NSRCEL are happy to partner with Keiretsu to launch a joint endeavour to augment the availability of early stage funding. IIMB is also pleased with the opportunity to partner with Keiretsu for the potential academic benefits it hopes to realise such as a closer understanding of the phenomenon of early stage funding of enterprises and opportunities for its students to intern with Keiretsu forum in its investment activities. All of these anticipated outcomes are in line with the overall intensified emphasis and encouragement to entrepreneurship at IIM under the leadership of Dr. Sushil Vachani, Director,” he added.

“In today’s world, every technology and product is international. The resources required to create a winning company can’t be supplied by one or two people. The resources – money, people, partnerships, channels, access to customers etc. are diverse and distributed,” said Robin Bisarya, Co-President of Keiretsu Forum Bangalore.

Bisarya, who will be based in San Diego, US, as the Bangalore chapter’s main link between investor and entrepreneur communities in the two countries, said unless the start-up is located in a well-known hub where the community is used to supplying these resources in a manner that can be consumed and afforded by early-stage companies, start-ups have to pay for these services.