The Kolkata zone witnessed a near 37 per cent growth in service tax collection to Rs 3,200 crore in the last fiscal.

According to Mr Sunil Kumar Das, Commissioner of Service Tax and Central Excise, Kolkata, the excise department saw a “very good” growth in service tax collection from the zone and was expecting a further increase once the changes in service tax law come into effect from July 1.

From July 1, service tax will be increased to 12 per cent from the current 10 per cent and all types of services would fall under the tax net except for the 17 items on the Negative List.

Mr Das was addressing an interactive session on recent changes in service tax law organised by city-based MCC Chamber of Commerce and Industry here on Wednesday. The total service tax collection in the country stood at Rs 97,000 crore during the period, he added.

During the period, the Kolkata zone reported nearly 25 per cent increase in excise duties to Rs 7,500 crore and Rs 7,600 crore was collected through custom duties, according to Mr Das. In all, the government earned revenues of Rs 18,300 crore through indirect tax routes from Kolkata zone.