The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) has signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the Institute of Rural Management-Anand (IRMA) for setting up a Nabard Chair in Agriculture and Rural Development at the institution founded by the late Dr Verghese Kurien, Father of the White Revolution in India.

The MoA was signed by Prof. Jeemol Unni, Director, IRMA, and M.V. Ashok, Chief General Manager, Nabard, at Anand on Tuesday. Prof. Rakesh Saxena has been nominated the Nabard Chair Professor at IRMA.

The objective of the Chair is to encourage applied and empirical research of a high standard in a bid to promote agriculture and rural development while broadening perceptions and gaining insights into these areas, IRMA said in a statement on Wednesday.

The Chair Professor at IRMA will collaborate with Nabard on joint activities and engage in policy issues. A lecture series on issues of mutual interest to both IRMA and Nabard is also being considered.

IRMA already has the prestigious RBI Endowment Unit Chair with an RBI Chair Professor in Rural Economics.