IIT Madras will soon have neuroscience curriculum for engineers. This was decided at the inaugural workshop on Computational Brain Research, organised by the Office of International & Alumni Relations (I&AR), IIT Madras.

The week-long workshop ended recentlywith a decision to promote cross-institutional collaborations and to develop a neuroscience curriculum for engineering students at the institute, says a release.

R Nagarajan, Dean I&AR, in a press release said “At IIT Madras, we would like the Centre for Computational Brain Research to quickly reach critical mass in terms of participating faculty, post-doctoral and students so that the work achieves significant impact through individual and collaborative efforts.” he said.

Kris Gopalakrishnan, executive vice chairman (former co-chairman) of Infosys, set up three Chairs in computational brain research at IIT Madras with an endowment of ₹10 crore each. The first occupant of the chair is Partha Mitra, Principal Investigator at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York.