NIIT Ltd, the leading IT education provider, has announced the launch of its Cloud Campus in New Delhi on Tuesday. 

Rajendra S. Pawar, Chairman of NIIT Ltd, said cloud education, which allows students access to course, classroom lectures and labs anytime, is simply a new way of learning. He added that given the increasing dependence on new tools such as search-engines, social networking sites and internet as a whole, the need to develop new-age skills is greater than ever before.

By the end of 2013, the company hopes to offer 100 courses across various disciplines such as IT, banking, global finance, management, digital and social media marketing and others at 300 locations within the country. 

Pawar added that by offering cloud education, NIIT would also be able to utilise its existing physical infrastructure better.

Vijay Thadani, CEO, NIIT Ltd, said this initiative is centred around the needs of students and will look at providing them convenience, flexibility and the opportunity to acquire diverse skills. 

Thadani added that the education system in India was geared at and developed for the industrial sector and not the services sector, despite the latter providing more employment. “So, in the first 25 years we trained people in IT. And, then we started trained people using IT. The new-age skills go beyond IT into spheres such as banking, finance, design and many others.” He added that non-IT courses account for almost 20 per cent of NIIT’s portfolio now.

He said instead of seeking a bigger piece of the same cake (IT training), NIIT is now looking at increasing the size of the cake itself by incorporating modules in subjects that go beyond IT, such as banking, global finance, management education and digital marketing among others.

All these courses would now be offered through Cloud Campus.

Earlier, the company had offered some courses through cloud computing as part of its pilot project. It has now decided to offer all courses, across centres through cloud.