The process of filing applications for affiliation to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is now completely online under the revamped system.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development Satya Pal Singh in a written reply to the Lok Sabha on Monday.

The CBSE has announced that under Rule-11.1 of the revamped affiliation by-laws, no school shall be affiliated to the Board without inspection by a committee of not less than two members, at least one of whom has to be an academician.

Main criteria

Applications for affiliation will take less time for disposal under the new process, which is entirely online from application to final decision, said Singh.

Some of factors which will be taken into consideration during the inspection by the committee are the number of teachers and their qualifications, academic standards, and the process of teaching.

PhD enrolments

Meanwhile, Singh also informed the House that as per the All India Survey on Higher Education Report 2017-18, there has been a huge increase in the total enrolment for Ph D programmes in the last four years.

In 2014-15, the total number of Ph D enrolments were 117301, which increased to 161412 in 2017-18.