Apprender, a Thiruvananthapuram-based start-up, has launched an online portal, MegaExams, for entrance test aspirants promising hands-on experience and instant scores.

“We intend to help students evaluate their standing and individual scores,’’ said Prasanth Parameswaran, managing partner, Apprender.

“We hope that the instant score system would be very useful for the aspirants,” he added.

Entrance aspirants can register for the exam by paying Rs 150 online or cash deposit in bank or through VPP. Students can take the exam at their convenience on any day up to April 17. They can get scores immediately.

Apprender will publish State-wide rank list on April 18 for a comprehensive evaluation of individual scores.

The online model exam will follow the same marking pattern and duration as the main entrance exam. The questions are handpicked by a team of expert teachers with vast experience.

The final result would give an approximate evaluation of the relative grading of students, Parameswaran said.

“The Web site will provide instant results and score sheets. Subject-wise score analysis will help students identify their performance such as time taken, subject wise average, strength and weaknesses too.”

Apprender is planning to conduct online model entrance for national exams NEET, AIEEE, IBPS as well as PSC. It also plans to launch educational applications for mobiles and tablets.
