The third edition of #GadgetFreeHour campaign is back after a resounding success in the previous year, seeing over a million parents and close to 42,000 schools participating in the hour-long digital detox program.

The annual event, organised by ParentCircle, aims to bring back the joy of being together without the interference of electronic gadgets to both parents and children. The organisers expect over 50 million participants this year.

ParentCircle will observe #GadgetFreeHour on November 20 (World Children's day) between 7.30 pm and 8 pm. In this one-hour, participating families will disconnect from their gadgets and spend time with their children - playing, talking, eating and laughing and rediscovering the pleasure of each other's company in a fun way.

Nalina Ramalakshmi, Founder and Managing Director of ParentCircle said that in the last two years, parents are busy working from home while students have been engaged with online classes, connected in a world of their own.

“We hope this experience will enthuse them to make gadget-free family time a regular part of their daily lives,” she added.

She also said that the Tamil Nadu government education department is extending its support for the #GadgetFreeHour initiative by sharing a message to all the schools, urging teachers and parents, along with their children, to take a break from their hectic online schedules to spend an hour with their families. The Puducherry government has also joined hands in this initiative and will spread the go-gadget-free message across all schools in the union territory.

Besides, thousands of private schools, educational institutions, corporates, NGOs, film and sports personalities have also pledged to go gadget-free on November 20, 2021.

“Gadgets that are meant for uniting or connecting people are actually resulting in dividing people and also causing a lot of psychological problems among people of all ages. To bridge this gap, ParentCircle, as a social cause, has started the initiative of #GadgetFreeHour so that people can spend quality time with family and friends,” AV Dharmakrishnan, CEO, Ramco Cements said.

The campaign is powered by Ramco Cements and Rama Raju Surgical Cotton Mills.