Reliance Industries Limited and Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) have renewed the Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai MBA Fellowship Programme to support promising Indian students with financial need in obtaining an MBA at Stanford. Initially launched as a five-year pilot in April 2008, the programme has so far produced 19 Indian MBA graduates.


Stanford GSB will annually award up to five Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai MBA Fellowships. Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows will receive full tuition support for the two-year Stanford MBA Programme. Fellows must agree to return and work in India within two years of graduation. Applications for September 2014 scholarships have closed. Applications for 2015 will open in April 2014.


Prospective Fellows should visit for details on the two-stage application process.

In the first stage, applicants complete the Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai MBA Fellowship Programme application. Fifty finalists will be selected by mid-July 2014 based on merit, commitment to developing India, and financial need, based on a review of each individual’s personal resources.


In the second stage, those finalists will go on to complete the standard application for the Stanford MBA Programme. Stanford may select up to five Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows from among the 50 finalists based on the primary admission criteria of intellectual vitality, demonstrated leadership potential, and personal qualities and contributions.


The Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows will receive tuition support and course-related fees — an estimated $140,000 total value per Fellow for the two-year programme. (For additional details on cost of attendance, visit Funding is automatically renewed for the second year if the student maintains good academic standing and community citizenship at Stanford GSB. After graduation from the MBA Programme, each Fellow must return to India for a minimum of two years of employment in the private or public sector.


 From August to October 2013, the school will convene Stanford Ignite-Bangalore, the first part-time certificate programme in India for non-business technical professionals to develop their ideas. The programme, the first outside Stanford’s campus, leverages educational technology.