Academic leaders from 15 top US universities have visited Mahindra University and the Indian Institute of Hyderabad, exploring opportunities to collaborate in academics and research.

“They were looking at integrating India further into their internationalisation goals. Deans from the host university and visiting delegates discussed collaborative opportunities, particularly in student and faculty mobility between the US and India, research partnerships, and co-offered or dual-degree programmes,” a Mahindra University spokesperson said.

“They showed considerable interest in our programmes ranging from engineering to management, law, education and mass media. Some of them expressed interest in research in public health and vaccine,” he said.

“This visit has opened up several directions of collaborative opportunities between Mahindra University and US universities,” Mahindra University Vice-Chancellor Yajulu Medury said.

The varsity representatives are part of a Washington-based Institute of International Education delegation. They represented universities such as the University of California, the University of California, the University of Illinois, Michigan State University, and the University of Massachusetts.

During the week-long tour, they visited hand-picked universities in Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai.

“The US universities were also looking at partnership opportunities in areas like exchange of faculty and students; joint supervision; joint degree programmes; establishment of Centres of Excellence; and organise workshops,” a spokesperson of IIT-H said in a statement on Tuesday.