Social networking site, Facebook, truly is the new-age tool of protest. Hundreds of enraged students and teachers have launched a campaign to save a tiny photocopy shop in the D-School (of economics) premises in the Delhi University’s North Campus.

They have joined hands against a move by three international publishers — Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press and Taylor and Francis — who have initiated High Court proceedings against the shop for alleged violation of copyright.

The shop provides photocopies of prescribed study material to students, which would otherwise cost them a fortune.

As clouds of doubt hang dark over the tiny shop, students and faculty have sent a message to the Dean of Students Welfare warning of strong reaction if nothing is done to protect it. The “Campaign to Save DSchool Photocopy Shop” on Facebook has already been joined by 456 members. The page also has a copy of the letter sent to the Dean. The letter gives a detailed explanation of why and how the photocopy shop is important for students, who are often unable to afford the expensive books from the three publishers.

“The photocopied compilation made by photocopier is essential for thousands of students from economically weaker sections who cannot afford to buy the original books. Sometimes a prescribed reading is only a chapter of a book.

Does the publisher expect each student to buy the whole book to read that particular chapter?” the letter asks.

The letter also says that in the face of lack of sufficient number of copies of the required books in libraries, students need access to affordable literature.

And in a la Swadeshi Movement fashion, the letter warns that if the case is not revoked immediately the student and faculty members “have decided to boycott these three presses.” “We will ensure ourselves that these books are banned from campus and organise a bonfire of books by these presses if push comes to shove,” the letter says.