Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted on Monday that the Congress will appropriate gold and ’mangalsutras’ of women and private homes of people if they come to power. But he did not repeat the charge that he had made in Banswara, Rajasthan, on Sunday that the Congress would distribute property to the Muslims.

At an election rally in Aligarh that will vote on April 26, Modi alleged that the Congress and the Samajwadi Party (SP), both partners of the INDIA bloc, have been following a policy of “appeasement” and yet have done nothing to uplift the socio-economic conditions of the Muslims.

The PM said he wanted to “warn” people about the real motives of the Congress and INDIA bloc.

Congress’ manifesto

“The Congress “shahzada” (prince) says if his government comes, they will investigate who earns how much and how much property they have. Not only this, he says the government will take over the property and redistribute it. This is what their election manifesto is saying,” Modi claimed, referring to Rahul Gandhi.

“Just think, our mothers and daughters possess gold. The gold is not just for wearing to create some kind of impression. The gold our mothers and sisters have is ‘stridhan’ (women’s property). It is considered sacred; even the law protects it. But now they are eyeing a change in law and grabbing the gold of our mothers and sisters,” he alleged.

The PM said that the opposition intends to carry out a survey of the savings of service classes and workers. “How much fixed deposits they have will be enquired. How many have one vehicle or two vehicles will also come under scrutiny. Congress will take over property in the name of the government,” Modi said.

“If you own two homes, they will snatch one — the Congress will go that far,” he alleged.

“This is Maoist thinking. This is communist thinking. By doing this, they have ruined so many countries. Now the Congress and the INDI Alliance want to implement the same policy in India,” the PM said.

Modi also told the gathering that Congress and its ally SP are unhappy over his moves to uplift the ‘Pasmanda’ Muslims, the backwards among the minority community. “Their heckles rise when I talk about the plight of the Pasmanda Muslims. This is because people higher up in the caste ladder in their community have enriched themselves and left the Pasmanda Muslims to live in penury,” he said.

Triple talaq

Modi spoke about saving Muslim women from triple talaq.

“In this area, the lives of many daughters who were victims of triple talaq were ruined. Due to triple talaq, the daughter, her father, brother, and family all got troubled,” Modi said.

The Prime Minister also mentioned that he is receiving blessings from thousands of women after the government allowed women to travel to Haj without ‘Mehram’. “Earlier, due to the lower Haj quota, there used to be a lot of fighting, and bribery was also prevalent there, and only the influential people would get the chance to go to Haj. I had requested the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia to increase the Haj quota for our Muslim brothers and sisters in India. Today, not only has India’s Haj quota increased, but visa rules have also been made easier. The government took a very important decision. Earlier, our Muslim mothers and sisters could not go alone for Haj. The government also allowed women to go for Haj without ‘Mehram’, and I am being blessed by thousands of sisters whose dream of going for Haj has been fulfilled,” he said.