Congress President and Leader of Opposition in the outgoing Lok Sabha, Mallikarjun Kharge, said he was able to see an ‘undercurrent of invisible voters’ across states he has travelled, who Prime Minister Modi is not sure will vote for the BJP this time. This is why he continues to criticise the Congress on his campaign trail.

“I’ve already travelled to 10-12 states and two constituencies in Kerala,” Kharge told newspersons here on Wednesday. “If Congress amounts to nothing, why should Modiji be worried? If he has so much confidence in achieving 400 par this time, why go about purchasing hundreds of MLAs and leaders from other parties,” Kharge asked.

Petty politician

Corrupt people being recruited become clean after they join the BJP. “After 10 years as PM and over 12 years as Chief Minister of Gujarat, are we to presume Modiji does not know who is corrupt and who is not? Or judge who is a good politician and who is bad? One can only say he is acting like a petty politician by sending CMs, including Hemant Soren, an ST, to jail.”

Modi has recruited some of the most corrupt politicians who would turn pure after being put through the elaborate BJP washing machine. “For one, I fail to fathom the dichotomy in roping in a 91-year-old former prime minister Deve Gowda, who would breathe secularism till the previous hour, to be suddenly offered a seat on the other side of the political divide,” the Congress leader remarked.

Promises not kept

The Modi guarantee amounts to nothing more than a promise made but not bound to be kept. “How can one explain Modiji’s failure to keep his word about generating two crore jobs every year? Or for that matter, crediting of ₹15 lakh to every bank account? Or, doubling of farmers’ income? Who is the liar here, us or he? What does he mean by harping on the Modi ki Guarantee,” Kharge said. How is that this guarantee does not involve revdi (freebies) while Modi is quick to dump Congress promises in that category?

Only the party or a government in power can undertake to deliver or redeem promises. But Modiji has put himself above that, Kharge said. And he has the audacity to say he will deliver. If this does not amount to bluff, what else can, Kharge asked. He lambasted Modi for the remark speech made on ‘Mangalsutra’ and insinuations that the Congress intends to take wealth out of Hindus to give ‘infiltrators who have more children.’

Campaign agenda

Kharge said he himself has five children, a consequence that was borne out of adversity in the family. “Lalu Prasad has nine offsprings. Ambedkar was the 14th among siblings. It is no less a tragedy that a Prime Minister should seek to divide his own people based on the number of children they have or, even worse, along religious lines,” he said.

“The Congress discusses about employment generation and inflation in its campaign. The BJP manifesto says nothing about these concerns that are top on the minds of people. Look at the galloping prices in petrol or gas from 2014 till now. Modiji harps on Sab ka Vikas, but what he has achieved is sab ka satynash,” Kharge said.