Leaders from across the world including China, Japan, Russia, Israel, Singapore, Vietnam and Australia sent congratulatory messages to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his second consecutive victory in the general elections and expressed their willingness to deepen engagement with the country.

Wishes also poured in for the PM from neighbouring countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Bhutan, according to posts from the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA).

“Russian President Putin has sent a congratulatory message to the PM and has confirmed his readiness to work together to build up the full range of bilateral relations and constructive interaction in international affairs,” tweeted MEA spokesperson Raveesh Kumar on Wednesday.

Chinese Premier Xi Jinping, in his message, noted the importance he attached to the development of India-China relations and his desire to work with Modi to take the closer development partnership between the two countries to a new height.

“President Xi also expressed satisfaction at the strong momentum of development in India-China relations in recent years with the joint efforts of both sides,” according a release issued by the MEA.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called Modi to congratulate him on his victory and the two reiterated their commitment towards further strengthening the India-Japan special strategic and global partnership.

“The two PMs looked forward to their meeting during the G20 Summit in Osaka next month. PM Modi extended an invitation to PM Abe to visit India later this year for the next India-Japan Annual Summit,” the release said.

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan, in his message to Modi, said that he looked forward to working with him for peace, progress and prosperity in South Asia.


Here are the messages from some of the global leaders.