Organisations are likely to take a more holistic approach to ensure employee well-being moving forward, according to the ‘HR & Recruitment Trend Report for 2020’ by AI-enabled hiring platform Vasitum.

According to the report, there has been a broader focus on employee well-being in 2020. This is likely to continue in the years to come.

“It will be imperative to ensure manpower sustainability in the organisations going forward. Most of the employers will continue to make a shift from their traditional HR and welfare focus to a more holistic view of employee well-being,” said Vikram Wadhawan, Founder & CEO, Vasitum.

“This will include new programs, policies and initiatives to amplify the benefits which are related to employee’s mental health, physical wellness, child care, elder care and support, or flexible working policies,” Wadhawan added.

HR departments are also increasingly incorporating technologies such as AI and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology to “reclaim” up to 40 per cent of their time to enable a more “human-centric” workplace.

“There has been an extensive adoption of RPA around recruitment, screening, on-boarding and employee engagement,” as per the report.

Apart from large enterprises, smaller MSMEs have also witnessed a significant increase in the adoption of more advanced technological solutions in the HR space.

HR departments are moving towards automated sourcing and are using AI to improve sourcing, as per the report.

Apart from this, “AI-based candidate matching to calculate a candidate’s likelihood to accept the offer, estimated expected tenure with the employer along with performance outcome” is another trend observed in the space.

Wadhawan said, “The on-going pandemic has ushered the biggest technological revolution in every field including HR. This technological wave which is likely to dominate 2021 as well will see a lot more reliance on techniques like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Chatbots.”