Kerala is set to launch what it claims to be the first online auto-taxi service by a State Government on the first day of the Malayalam month of Chingam (August 17). Styled Kerala Savaari, it is being rolled out under the auspices of the Labour Department, and draws on the model of the existing private cab aggregators.

It will initially roll out within the Thiruvananthapuram City Corporation limits, according to V Sivankutty, Minister for Labour and General Education. This phase will see 500 autorickshaws being inducted. Indian Telephone Industries (ITI) unit in Palakkad will provide the technical support for the service, which will be supervised by the Motor Workers Welfare Fund Board.

Chequered record in state

The minister released the Malayalam and English logo for Kerala Savaari service in the presence of Mini Antony, Labour Secretary; TV Anupama, Labour Commissioner; Ranjith Manohar, CEO, Motor Workers Welfare Fund Board, and Additional Labour Commissioner, at a function on Wednesday. Private online taxi services have had a chequered track record in the state, and often witnessed run-ins with the unionised offline services at several ‘catchment areas’, such as airports and railway stations. The new service will seek to ensure ‘safe and dispute-free travel’ for the public at rates recognised by the Motor Vehicles department. It will look to support auto and taxi workers faced with ‘existential challenges.’

Compelling backdrop

The minister said taxi stands, as one knew them, are disappearing fast and people are being rendered jobless. On the other hand, the public is increasingly preferring online taxis that pick them up from anywhere. Also, the difference in fares shelled out by passengers and those charged by the online operators cab is between 20- to 30 per cent while taxis or autos waiting in stands do not interest patrons. It was against this backdrop that the Labour Department has come up with the idea of an online auto-taxi service.

Eight per cent service charge

Over and above rates recognised by the government, a service charge of eight per cent would be levied under the new service against the existing 20-30 per cent charged by private cab aggregators. It would be utilised both for operating the service and extending incentives to passengers and drivers. The Kerala Savaari service will not charge excess rates during peak demand unlike private operators who jack up charges by 1.5 times, the minister said.

Can cancel bookings

Both passengers and drivers would have the option of cancelling bookings for clearly laid out reasons. Else, a small fine would be charged, the minister added. Only drivers with police clearance certificate would be allowed to operate. The vehicle would be fitted with a GPS, while the Kerala Savaari app will feature panic buttons for the use of drivers and passengers in complete secrecy. In the second phase, insurance and accident insurance coverage will be arranged for them. Drivers would be trained to function as tourist guides and provide basic information to visitors. Special parking would be arranged for Kerala Savaari at airports and railway stations to help push the tourism potential.