The Railways will double the fee for cancellation of tickets 48 hours before departure, starting today. The timings for refund of half the ticket charge before scheduled departure will also be changed. Cancellation charges for unreserved second class tickets have been increased from ₹15 to ₹30, and for reserved second class tickets, ₹30 to ₹60.

Greece’s private sector umbrella union has called a 24-hour strike today to protest reforms demanded by lenders under its third bailout. Parliament passed reforms increasing the retirement age to 67 and introducing penalties on early retirement.

Talks aimed at resolving the Syrian crisis is to be held in Vienna today. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said the statement issued at the end of the previous round of talks on Syria in Vienna will be the basis for the meeting. The participants agreed on respect for Syria’s unity and eradication of extremism.

Online sales of Maggi noodles will go live today. Only those who have registered will be able to participate. Nestle India has joined hands Snapdeal for the marketing initiative as Maggi sales resume in India, five months after the product was banned after samples were found to have lead beyond permissible limits.

The Kerala State Election Commission has directed all newly elected representatives of local bodies to swear in today. Only those elected members who swear in can participate in the election of president, chairperson and mayor.