, a grassroot level national advocacy and change organisation which is in the forefront of rehabilitating the weavers in Chendamangalam weaving cluster, has announced the successful completion of the stage one of the initiative to restore and revive the looms that were destroyed in the recent floods.

Chendamangalam is a prime weaving centre, 30 km off Kochi. Over 300 weavers have been rendered jobless with their looms and homes destroyed in the floods. Of the workforce, 90 per cent are women and a majority are above the age of 50, and in many cases the single earning member in the family. “We are delighted to announce the successful completion of the first phase of our campaign to revive and rebuild the looms ravaged by floods. As many as 45 looms have been revived and restored,” said Ramesh Menon, fashion consultant and lead mentor of

“We also are working towards a long-term revival plan that brings forth a sustainable ecosystem. We believe that beginning with revival of looms, and assessing the skill sets and possibilities, designer interventions, new and improved product lines, marketplace distribution, and rightful placement of handloom as a luxury and privilege can bring back the handloom sector,” he added. Seven weavers’ cooperative societies had suffered losses to the tune of ₹4.03 crore. Floods destroyed 273 handlooms, and other related infrastructure, including the yarn bank and dye house.