Presolv360, an independent Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform, has roped in the former Chief Justice of India, U. U. Lalit, Justice B. N. Srikrishna, and Justice Kannan Krishnamurthy into its newly formed advisory council.

This start-up — as an online platform — facilitates quick and effective out-of-court resolution of disputes, while reducing the cost and resources involved in resolving them.

Bhaven Shah, co-founder of Presolv360, said, “It is encouraging to have such legal luminaries support us to shape our vision and processes. We look forward to using their wisdom and experience to continue on our path to becoming a world-class ADR institution. We wish for Presolv360 to become synonymous with ADR in the country and the region.” 

With the enactment of the new legislation on mediation and the ongoing review of the Arbitration Law, there is a renewed focus on institutional Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in India. 

Aligning with the views of the Government, Presolv360 said it wants to ensure that Online Dispute Resolution, like UPI, becomes another success story from India that the world looks up to.  

“While technology is changing the dispute resolution ecosystem, it must be backed by strong institutions running ethically and following due process. I am delighted to lend my support to an institution that is at the forefront of this,” said Justice Lalit, former Chief Justice of India. 

Justice Srikrishna, a former judge of the Supreme Court and a pioneer in the growth of the Alternative Dispute Resolution story of India, said: “For India to become an ADR hub, as is the ambition these days, it must focus on two things – institutions and ODR. Presolv360 is working at the intersection of both.”

Justice Kannan Krishnamoorthy, a former judge of the High Court of Punjab and Haryana, has been an empanelled mediator with Presolv360 for a few years, mediating international disputes referred to him by the platform. “To see this organisation grow from an idea disrupting the legal-tech ecosystem, to now seeking to become a leading ADR institution is heartening. ODR institutions must not be looked at any differently from the likes of SIAC or closer home, the Delhi International Arbitration Centre & others,” he said.