Chinese troops allegedly intruded into Indian territory across the Himalayan border on three occasions in the past six days, Indian media reported on Monday.

The incursions took place in the Chumar area of Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir on July 16, 18 and 20, broadcaster NDTV reported citing defence sources.

Chinese soldiers advanced 3 kilometres into the Indian side and spent several hours before going back on each occasion, the report said.

Indian defence spokesmen declined comment on the matter, widely reported in Indian media, but did not deny the reports.

The Asian giants had a previous spat over an alleged intrusion by Chinese troops in the same region in April. That issue was resolved in May after forces from both sides withdrew from the disputed area.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh agreed later that month to work toward early settlement of the disputed boundary issues.

India and China contest large areas along their 4,000-kilometre border and the issue triggered a brief war in 1962. They have accused each others’ troops of incursions in the past, due to differing perceptions of the borders.