Law enforcement agencies are probing into the funding Rohingyas get to clandestinely enter and sustain their stay in India.

Under direction from the Union Home Ministry and law enforcement agencies, State police is tracking the source of this funding. Rohingyas — who are estimated to be approximately 40,000 in number — are scattered in West Bengal, Northeastern States of Assam, Mizoram and Manipur, Delhi, Bihar and Jammu and Kashmir.

An investigating agency source said, "Some NGOs are helping Rohingyas for humanitarian reasons , but the intentions may not be that honest".

Rohingya Muslims are considered illegal immigrants from Myanmar by the Government of India, and face deportation if caught .

Highly placed sources said they have inputs suggesting many Rohingyas are coming as Tableeghis and avoiding minority-dominated areas . "That may be to avoid coming under the scanner," a senior agency officer, aware of developments, stated.

State police is also coordinating amongst each other to ascertain whether this is the latest modus operandi to ward off detection. Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh are also seeing an influx of Rohingyas in their States, according to intelligence agency sources .

In March, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) had exposed illegal trafficking of Rohingya Muslims into the country. Kumkum Ahmed Chaudhury — who goes under the aliases of KK Ahmed Choudhury and Asiqul Ahmed — a resident of Assam, was operating this illegal trafficking network from Bengaluru, said the NIA. He was arrested by sleuths.

Through his gang members, NIA officials stated Chaudhary was operating the human trafficking racket in the border areas of Assam, West Bengal, Meghalaya and other parts of the country.

In its March report, advocacy group Human Rights Watch, pointed out that at least 20,000 — of 40,000 Rohingyas residing in the country — are registered with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR). The UNHCR has reported at least 240 Rohingyas in India are currently detained on charges of illegal entry. In addition, about 39 are being detained in a shelter in Delhi, while 235 others are detained in a holding center in Jammu, the HRC stated.