Goa police today said that they may book Tehelka Editor Tarun Tejpal on rape charge if the allegations levelled by a woman journalist colleague are substantiated.

Deputy Inspector General of Police O.P. Mishra told PTI that the police are examining the footage received from the five-star hotel where the incident was reported.

“We will go through all the details. We will press rape charges against him, if the complaint of the girl is substantiated,” Mishra said.

Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar had ordered a preliminary inquiry into the allegations by the girl that she was sexually abused by Tejpal during an event in Goa.

The alleged incident happened in a lift in a five-star hotel in Goa about 10 days ago.

The DIG said the CCTV footage was received from the hotel last evening and was preserved. Details of the incident can only be known after examining the footage, he added.

Police has already written to the Tehelka management, asking for the documents including e-mail of the victim and the statement by Tejpal.

Parrikar had said yesterday that the police were trying to reach to the girl and record her statement.

“We will fully backup the girl if she files the complaint,” the Chief Minister had said.

He had also expressed the possibility of summoning Tejpal after the preliminary inquiry is over.

After the e-mail by the woman journalist of his magazine alleging sexual assault was made public, Tejpal had announced on Wednesday night that he was “recusing” from his job for six months.