Against the backdrop of airports across India put on alert to prevent Italian Ambassador Daniele Mancini from leaving the country, External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid today said that the Supreme Court orders will be complied with by all government agencies.

“The Supreme Court order will be complied with by all government agencies. Whoever has to do something will do it,” he told reporters outside Parliament House in response to questions on the issue.

He said the matter will come up before the apex court again on Monday and “we will know then exactly what is the next step that should be taken.”

The decision to alert the airports was taken by the Union Home Ministry a day after the apex court restrained the Italian Ambassador from leaving India without its permission.

The court had taken exception to the Italian Government’s refusal to send back two marines charged with the killing of two fishermen.

The two marines were allowed by the court to go to Italy to cast their vote in elections after the Italian Ambassador had given an assurance to send them back.

On the issue of Lok Sabha rejecting Pakistan National Assembly’s resolution on Afzal Guru, Khurshid said there was a “unanimous rejection” of the Pakistani resolution.

“It was a resolution that was moved by the Speaker at the request of the House. That resolution was unanimously endorsed by the House,” he said.