The Gujarat Government needs to be more careful in preparing the state budget and strengthen budgetary controls in those departments where savings or non-utilisation have been persistently reflected over the years, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has said in its latest report.

As per the report on state finances for 2012-13, which was tabled in the Gujarat Assembly on Friday, ‘expenditure’ of ₹99,150.38 crore was incurred against total grants and appropriations of ₹1,07,439.38 crore, resulting in savings of ₹8,288.60 crore.

The CAG was referring to the savings or non-utilisation of more than ₹5 crore (in each scheme) consistently for the last three years in respect of 44 Government schemes taking grants from Centre.

These schemes listed by CAG include those of Intensive Cotton Production Programme implemented by state Agriculture department. Against the grant of ₹55.38 crore, only ₹5.67 crore were spent during 2010-13.

In another case, due to the non-commencement of construction work of government-run Polytechnic colleges under PPP model, only ₹3 crore were spent from the total grant of ₹50 crore, said the report.

Similarly, the state government failed to utilise central grant meant for Kalpsar and Bhadbhoot barrage project between 2010 and 2013. Out of the provision of ₹122.41 crore towards survey and investigation in Irrigation department, ₹90.10 crore could not be spent due to non-commencement of these two projects, said the report.

Due to administrative non-approval, Gujarat Government’s Road and Building department could not utilise ₹708.82 crore out of a total grant of ₹1394.85 crore, the CAG pointed out.

The Gujarat Government needs to review the formulation of budget estimates and provisions in these grants, it observed.