Exhibiting an example of peer-learning, the Gujarat administration is reaching out to its counterparts in Odisha to prepare itself better against the ensuing cyclonic storm ‘Vayu’.

Gujarat Chief Secretary JN Singh on Tuesday informed the media that the State administration is in touch with their counterparts in Odisha to know about their learning and experience in tackling cyclone Fani, which wrecked havoc in the State last month. “We are in touch with the Chief Secretary of Odisha to get a sense about their experience in tackling the cyclone. In Odisha, the State and Centre were prepared to tackle the cyclone impact. We will take useful inputs from them,” said Singh on Tuesday.

Cyclone Fani was one of the worst cyclones in the recent history and it devastated over 20,000 villages in Odisha’s coastal districts affecting about 1.6 crore people. Thanks to better preparedness and effective relief measures, the deathtoll was contained 64.