The gunbattle between terrorists and security forces at the air force base here that lasted for more than five hours and left two Air personnel and four terrorists dead, has come to an end.

Combing operations are underway.

“The gunbattle between terrorists and security forces ended after more than five hours,” Punjab Police ADGP (Law and Order) H S Dhillon said.

“However, the combing operation continues,” he said.

At least four to five militants, believed to be from the Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist group, in Army fatigues launched the attack in the wee hours with an aim of destroying the air base, a top security official said.

A group of militants attacked the Air Force Base at 3.30 a.m., a Defence spokesman said.

Pathankot SSP R K Bakshi said that four suspected militants were killed in the battle. Two jawans were also martyred and six sustained injuries.

In view of the attack, Punjab had been put on maximum alert, while security measures were also tightened in neighbouring Haryana and common capital of the two states — Chandigarh.

This is the second major terrorist attack which Punjab has seen in less than six months after an earlier one at Dinanagar in Gurdaspur district in July last year.