Heavy to very heavy rain has been forecast at isolated places over Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, South Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Rayalaseema as a low-pressure area extended its shadow over the coast.

Satellite pictures this morning showed a cluster of clouds toying with the Chennai coast, even as a tail extended southwards across the South-West Bay of Bengal to Trincomalee in Sri Lanka.


A mass of cloud is located over are the expanse of the South Bay of Bengal and the adjoining East Indian Ocean with the Andaman Sea coming under the footprintof a large-sized parcel.

This is in continuum of the build-up over southern Thailand, the Malay peninsula, and the adjoining Indonesian archipelago, served up by a resident low-pressure area in the Gulf of Thailand.

This 'low' is expected to move into the Andaman Sea either today or tomorrow and connect with a prevailing 'low' off Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu.

This is expected to drive up the monsoon and spread the rainfall belt into the South Coastal Andhra Pradesh coast, Rayalaseema, and parts of Kerala.


Apart from heavy to very heavy rain at some places, thunderstorms accompanied by lightning have been forecast elsewhere in South Tamil Nadu and South Kerala for today.

Heavy rain is forecast at isolated places over Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Coastal Andhra Pradesh tomorrow (Saturday), the India Met Department (IMD) outlook said.

From Sunday, the heavy rain belt is forecast to migrate to Coastal and South Coastal Andhra Pradesh, and Rayalaseema, apparently in line with the shifting alignment of the 'low.'

The fresh 'low' likely developing in the Andaman Sea between November 8 and 10 would bring heavy to very rain over the Andaman & Nicobar Islands around that time.

The South Peninsula and Lakshadweep Islands would continue to receive showers at isolated places during this period, the Met outlook said.