The CPI(M) held nationwide protests demanding direct cash transfer to all families that do not come under the income tax net. It charges that the Narendra Modi government had failed to protect the livelihoods of millions of people during the pandemic.

The party demanded cash transfer of ₹7,500 per month for six months to all families outside the income tax bracket.

It said the Centre should provide free ration of 10 kg foodgrains, per individual, per month for six months.

Addressing the protests here, CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury said at least 200 days of employment should be provided under MNREGA at higher wages and the scheme should be extended to the urban poor. “Over 15 crore people have been rendered unemployed during the lockdown. Millions have lost livelihoods. Heart rending experiences of hungry migrant workers on the roads going home has revealed the hunger that so many of our people are suffering from,” Yechury said.

The CPI(M) also urged the Centre to immediately announce an unemployment allowance.

The Centre should stop “the loot of national assets, privatisation of the public sector and the scrapping of labour laws.”