US President Donald Trump on his maiden visit to India, switched to a ‘desi avatar’ to show the love and camaraderie between the United States (US) and India.

Days before his landing at the Ahmedabad International Airport, Trump shared a video-clip of the famous movie Bahubali, superimposing his photo on the protagonist.

Few hours before his landing, he tweeted in Hindi: हम भारत आने के लिए तत्पर हैं । हम रास्ते में हैँ, कुछ ही घंटों में हम सबसे मिलेंगे! (We look forward to coming to India. We are on our way and will meet everyone in a few hours.)

After his arrival, President Trump stormed his Twitter with a series of tweets in Hindi. Trump also mentioned his favorite Bollywood movies and celebrated figures of India while addressing thousands of people at the ‘Namaste Trump’ event held at the Motera stadium in Ahmedabad.

Here’s how Trump tried to get into the desi avatar -

Trump, a Bollywood buff

Trump said in his speech that India is a creative hub that creates over 2000 movies from Bollywood a year. All over the planet people take great joy in watching Bollywood films, bhangra, and classic films like DDLJ and Sholay. You cheer on great cricketers like Sachin Tendulkar and Virat Kohli.

US President quoted Vivekananda

Trump during his speech also quoted a paragraph from Swami Vivekananda's teachings: "Moment I have realized God sitting in the temple of every human body, the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in him - that moment I am free.” However, Twitteratis made fun of his accent and pointed out that he pronounced 'Swami Viveka-mu-nand’ instead of Vivekananda, Outlook reported. Trump also mentioned the significance of Vedas and India’s rich cultural history in his speech.

A series of tweets in Hindi

Trump’s desi side was also revealed on the micro-blogging site Twitter where he posted a series of tweets in Hindi.

President Trump tweeted: “प्रथम महिला और मैं इस देश के हर नागरिक को एक सन्देश देने के लिए दुनिया का 8000 मील का चक्कर लगा कर यहां आये हैं l अमेरिका भारत को  प्रेम करता है - अमेरिका भारत का सम्मान करता है - और

अमरीका के लोग हमेशा भारत के लोगों के सच्चे और निष्ठावान दोस्त रहेंगे l” (The First Lady of the US and I have traveled 8000 miles across globe to come to India and tell its people that America loves and respects India.)

Trump showed his determination to work closely with India so that both countries can prosper together. He tweeted: अमेरिका और भारत अपने देशों को मजबूत बनाएँगे, अपने लोगों को सम्पन्न बनाएँगे, बड़े सपने देखने वालों को और बड़ा बनाएँगे और अपना भविष्य पहले से कहीं अधिक उज्जवल बनाएँगे... और यह तो शुरुआत ही है। (we will make out nations stronger and people contented. We will further the progress of people who dream big so that we can make our future brighter. This is just the beginning.)

Later in the day, President Trump claimed that he has come to India to expand his partnership with the country. He tweeted: “मैं  इसी  लिए भारत आया हूँ, सद्भावना और प्रेम के साथ ताकि हम अपनी अभिलाषा  प्रतीक अपनी सांझेदारी और अविश्वसनीय  विस्तार  सकें l” (I have come to India with goodwill and love so that we can symbolize our friendship and expand our incredible partnership.)