Calling for improvement in the job conditions of commercial drivers, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Transport has sought a ban on their deployment between 3 am and 5 am.

The committee feels that drivers, who are the backbone of running the transport system in the country, are not a secured lot from any angle, be it salary, job conditions, working hours or insurance coverage. The drivers are compelled to work for days or weeks on end single-handedly, it said.

Road mishaps “The Committee notes that driving the heavy vehicles for longer duration during the night causes fatigue to drivers and due to work pressure and lack of concentration many a time cause accidents. Moreover, heavy vehicles and trucks are causing major accidents during wee hours,” it stated.

The committee, therefore, recommends that the government should strictly implement the duty hours for the drivers of commercial vehicles and also prohibit the driving of commercial vehicles from 3 am to 5 am.

The committee also recommends that movement of heavy commercial vehicles may be regulated early in the morning in such a way that such vehicles carrying vegetables, milk and perishable food products are not hindered.

2 drivers for long trips The government should make it mandatory for transporters to employ two drivers on each heavy commercial vehicle having more than two axles, if the vehicle has to cover a distance of more than 500 km, it added.

It called for segregation of lanes for different types of vehicles. This is possible in a majority of national highways as they are multi-lane. Enforcement of lane driving should be given priority by the enforcement agencies.

Revision of penalties To prevent stagnation of fines on traffic offences, the committee called for a clause allowing 10 per cent increase of fine every year through executive orders.

It has also called for “recycling of outdated and obsolete vehicle material by scientific method.” The committee recommends that the Centre may formulate a comprehensive policy for recycling of outdated motor vehicles, keeping in mind the protection of environment and public safety.